The Future of Spirituality and Society in a Post-AGI World

Alan Smithson
9 min readJul 30, 2024


A Conversation with Julie and Alan Smithson
Written with the help of ChatGPT and images by Midjourney & DALL-E

In a rapidly evolving world dominated by artificial general intelligence (AGI) and exponential technologies such as protein folding, semiconductors, space exploration, metaverse, robotics and automation; the role of spirituality and human connection is becoming increasingly significant. During a recent conversation with Julie and Alan, two individuals deeply engaged in the intersection of technology and human experience, we delved deep into the essence of spirituality, its impact on our daily lives, and its potential to guide humanity through the ethical and moral challenges posed by these technological advancements. This exploration revealed a profound vision for the future, where spirituality and technology converge to create a more compassionate and equitable society.

Images from Daily Tech News w/ Alan Smithson

Spirituality in Daily Life

For Julie, spirituality is about connecting to everyone and everything in our reality. It’s a sense of oneness that transcends individual existence. “For me, it’s something that connects to everybody and everything in this reality,” she explains, her eyes reflecting a serene understanding of the world. This holistic view emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the universe, suggesting that spirituality is a universal thread binding us all together.

Alan echoes this sentiment, saying, “Spirituality is about living in harmony with people, nature, and the universe.” His voice steady and thoughtful, he emphasizes the importance of a balanced life where both challenges and joys are celebrated and learned from. “Yes, there will be hard times and good times, both of which are to be celebrated. Even the hard times offer lessons, while the good times are for celebrating with friends and family. Spirituality helps us focus on purpose rather than mere survival.”

In the context of an AGI-dominated future, both Julie and Alan believe that spirituality will play a crucial role in unifying us and guiding us through the complexities of advanced technologies. They argue that spirituality can help us move beyond our differences and focus on our shared humanity, fostering a more compassionate and inclusive world filled with abundance and opportunities for the one true race, the human race.

The Role of Nature, Art and Music

Art and music have always been profound tools for expressing truth and fostering unity. Throughout history, artists have used their work to reflect societal realities, challenge norms, and unite people across cultural divides. Alan highlights that music, in particular, has been a powerful bonding force, transcending boundaries to bring people together. “Music is the ultimate unifier,” he says, emphasizing how festivals and gatherings centered around music create spaces where people connect on the same wavelength, experiencing a shared sense of unity and peace. “At house music festivals, everyone has the same vibe. You never see conflict, which is amazing considering how many people are in one place.”

Julie adds that repetitive patterns in music, such as drumming, can induce a meditative trance-like state, fostering a deeper connection with spirituality. “I have my own mantras. When you repeat the patterns, you’re in kind of meditation anytime that you’re repeating something because you’re getting in trance,” she explains. “This meditative state, whether achieved through music, prayer, or other forms of meditation, can help individuals connect with the broader universe and find inner peace.”

In a world increasingly driven by technology, maintaining this connection to art and music is crucial. As AGI becomes more integrated into our daily lives, these creative expressions may offer a necessary balance, helping us to stay grounded in our humanity. They can serve as a reminder of what it means to be human, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.

Leveraging AGI for a Better Future

As we transition into a future shaped by AGI and automation, the potential for these technologies to solve global challenges is enormous. Alan envisions a world where AGI empowers individuals to focus on solving local and global challenges and bringing them to the world quickly and at scale. He believes that AGI can help us address critical challenges such as climate change, food scarcity, sustainable energy, and equality. By automating mundane tasks, AGI can free up human potential to engage in more meaningful and creative endeavors like spending time with loved ones, raising children or taking care of elderly parents.

“The era of working for money has treated us very well as humanity, but it has also created a divide between the ultra-wealthy and the rest of the world,” Alan remarks, his passion evident. “In an age of artificial general intelligence, we will move from simply working for money to working for purpose. I think understanding that we are all one, connected organism (Gaia), on this spinning rock, flying through space amongst the stars, is key.”

Julie agrees, emphasizing the importance of using advanced technologies to create a more equitable world. “Ghandi said ‘Our planet can provide for every man’s needs, just not every man’s greed’” she continued. “If we can figure out a more fair and equitable distribution of funds and wealth, we can really afford every one of the 10 billion people that will be here by 2050 a wonderful, beautiful life without war, without famine, without suffering.”

An era of abundance is coming.

The Unlimited Awesome program, spearheaded by Alan and Julie, embodies this vision. The program aims to create a global community of learners and problem-solvers connected through a new learning system and human accelerator aimed to help people thrive in a post-AGI world. Their mission is to unlock the full potential of humanity by building the most advanced, modern learning system and startup ecosystem on Earth.

Connections are made through a virtual platform they built called METAVRSE, that allows like-minded participants from anywhere in the world to meet in gamified virtual worlds as avatars to build real relationships while solving real-world challenges they are passionate about. This platform uses bleeding-edge AI models for swarm intelligence and matchmaking to connect users based on shared interests, facilitating collaboration across borders. Participants earn coins for engaging in educational and self-improvement activities, which can eventually lead to equity token ownership and governance participation in the platform.

A personalized AI mentor provides guidance based on carefully selected content that embodies the 6 Castles of Success;

  1. Perseverance
  2. Creative Problem Solving
  3. Teamwork
  4. Economic Responsibility
  5. Social Impact
  6. Environmental Sustainability

Inclusivity and Accessibility

One of the key challenges of implementing such a transformative program is ensuring inclusivity and accessibility. The Unlimited Awesome program addresses this by providing an SMS-based version for participants in regions with limited device capabilities. This ensures that everyone, regardless of their starting point, can engage in the program and benefit from its rewards.

Alan elaborates on this approach: “Not everybody in the world has access to a powerful device. The curriculum will be delivered through rich media such as 3D, video, images, audio, text, but we’ll also have an SMS version for those people in, let’s say, Africa or other regions with only basic smartphones that can participate in the curriculum.”

This thoughtful solution highlights the program’s commitment to inclusivity, allowing participants to earn rewards and improve their lives, no matter their initial circumstances. As they earn coins and badges, they can eventually afford better devices and access more features of the program.

Fostering Global Unity

To promote global unity and understanding, the program encourages cultural exchange and collaboration. By enabling participants to meet virtually in any language with real-time translation and collaborate on projects. The platform breaks down barriers and fosters a sense of global community. Initial projects may include climate action initiatives, sustainable food solutions, technology for social good, and renewable energy projects. These efforts can inspire students and participants to apply their learning to real-world challenges, driving meaningful change.

Alan and Julie’s strategy for organic growth involves empowering each student to invite others to join the program. “We’ll give each student five invites, and they can invite five people. Those five people can invite five more, and so on,” Alan explains. This approach allows the network to grow exponentially, fostering a robust and engaged community.

Initial Projects and Challenges

When asked about the initial projects or challenges they plan to introduce to students, Alan and Julie highlighted several key areas:

Climate Action Projects: Students can work on local environmental initiatives, such as organizing clean-up drives or creating awareness campaigns about climate change.

Sustainable Food Solutions: Encourage students to develop projects focused on sustainable agriculture, reducing food waste, or creating community gardens.

Technology for Good: Challenge students to design apps or tools that address social issues, such as access to education or healthcare.

Cultural Exchange Programs: Facilitate virtual exchanges where students can share their cultures and learn about others, fostering global understanding and empathy.

Tree Plantings: Organize tree planting initiatives to combat deforestation, improve air quality, and promote biodiversity, creating a greener, healthier planet for future generations.

Renewable Energy Projects: Students could work on small-scale renewable energy solutions, like solar-powered devices or energy-efficient practices for their communities.

These projects can help students apply their learning to real-world challenges and encourage collaboration. Julie believes that such initiatives can bring about a significant positive impact: “The challenge is how we can adapt to different cultures. When you don’t know another culture, you don’t understand it, and then you don’t like it. But when you travel or connect virtually, you realize we are all the same. We all eat, we have families, we want our children to be happy and successful, we want nice things and experiences in life. Peace, happiness and a better life for our children. This universal dream is what unites us.”

Beyond the Present: Envisioning a Propian Future

As we move towards an era where AGI and automation become commonplace, the fundamental structure of society may shift dramatically. Imagine a world where the mundane, repetitive jobs are handled by machines, leaving humans free to explore their passions and creative pursuits. This could lead to a renaissance of art, culture, and scientific discovery.

“Very few people really want to go into a mine and dig holes. Few people want to build cars on an assembly line and put screws in. But maybe they do want to go hang out with their grandparents, spend more time with their families, make art, music, and culture,” Alan says, painting a vivid picture of a potential future. “Spirituality will be the guiding principle that helps us navigate this transition, ensuring that we remain connected to our humanity.”

The world will neither be ‘dystopian’, nor ‘utopian’. The world will never be perfect and we must always strive to make life better for everyone, not just a select few at the top (but they deserve to have nice things also). The fact is, there are unlimited possibilities and resources in the universe, but we need to work together to realize the full potential of humanity. This is the ‘protopian’ view of the world.

In a world rapidly advancing towards a future dominated by artificial general intelligence (AGI) and exponential technologies, the importance of spirituality and human connection cannot be overstated. Through a compelling conversation with Julie and Alan Smithson, we explored how spirituality can guide us through the ethical and moral challenges posed by these technological advancements. Their insights reveal a vision where technology and spirituality converge, fostering a more compassionate, equitable, and abundant society.

These perspectives underscore the vital role spirituality plays in our daily lives, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all beings and the universe. As we integrate AGI into our lives, maintaining our connection to art, music, and nature will help us stay grounded in our humanity. These elements will serve as reminders of our shared purpose and the beauty of human existence.

The Unlimited Awesome program exemplifies this vision by creating a global community of learners and problem-solvers, united through a modern learning system and startup ecosystem. This initiative leverages advanced technologies (XR/AI/Blockchain) to connect participants, promote cultural exchange, and address global challenges. By ensuring inclusivity and accessibility, the program empowers individuals from all backgrounds to engage in meaningful and transformative activities.

As we envision a future shaped by AGI and automation, the potential for a renaissance of art, culture, and scientific discovery becomes apparent. In this new era, spirituality will be the guiding principle that ensures we remain connected to our humanity, fostering a world where we can explore our passions, build strong communities, and create a better future for all.

Together, let us embrace the convergence of technology and spirituality to build a more compassionate, unified, and abundant world.

IMAGE PROMPT: create an image representing equal parts spirituality, technology, nature and humanity in one beautiful tapestry 16:9 (DALL-E)



Alan Smithson

Alan’s purpose in life is to inspire and educate future leaders to think and act in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable way.